Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Three paragraph's for the sake of urine.

Went to school today. Got there late, did absolutely nothing. Ohohoh, i touched Pn. Siti's stomach, it was hard and you could feel vibrations from the baby. Very cool stuff. I touched En. Rosli's beard, it was nice. I dropped an egg, then my hand smelt like rotten egg for a while, until i found washing up liquid to wash my hands with.

I don't have a clue why anyone would want to hold their pee, and torture themselves trying to fight against their bladder. If you're reading, which you probably are, next time, do not wait for your bladder to almost blow. Go and pee straight away. Your bladder is there to hold your pee, not to be tortured, imagine how it must feel, inside there, waiting for you to release your urine.

Now, go and pee,
Sara, the fat, little babee,
Nanti bladder kau matee,
Lepas tu, aku tiada simpatee,

And now you're making things slower by kacauing me while i'm writing this. You shouldn't be doing this, you should've made it easier for me, you and your bladder and gone to pee around two hours ago. If you don't go and pee now. I'll.. think of something to do to you.

There, three paragraph's that made complete sense. Go and pee, love.

-Nazri the caring boyfriend.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Gay lesbian's.

I wonder what a gay lesbian would look like.

Anyway's, it's been quite long since i last blogged, well, for me it's not been very long, but for those of you with no lives and who love to type about yourselves, it's been quite long i suppose.

Might go to school tomorrow, Vinoth just asked me, not sure if i want to go though. Learning, sitting there, listening to shamsul try to be funny. Sighh. I don't feel like taking the pain. And i have duty tomorrow. But, i'll probably go, sitting at home doing nothing is getting on my nerves too.

Liverpool v Man U tonight. I hope Liverpool lose so i can get on Fatfingers' nerves. Heheh.

I want to go out. I want to, but it's hard. Seen as i live in a jungle and i have to walk aroung 3 or 4 kilometres to the nearest train station. And then wait for the train, then wait for the bus, then take a taxi. All in one day. Sigh. I'll do it one day. ;)

Ok, i'm done. I have nothing else to say.

Blogging makes my mind blank, whenever i blog, i forget what to write about. This is gay.


P.S. Soon, sexy, soon.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

barah kaki.

Foot cancer in English.
Is gay. And is usually located on the foot. If you get it, you're most likely going to have your foot amputated. So, stay away from Barnacles.

I really have nothing to talk about. Buuut, I'm a great boyfriend so i'll extend this blog.

Since PMR has ended, i've been to an indian temple, eaten alot of indian food, been to curve and ou a few times, driven a manual car, experienced mostly every type of public transport in Malaysia in one day, except for that bicycle thingy, and been bitten on the ear.

I really don't know what to blog about, when i have something, i'll blog it. Until then.. Adios amigos.

-Mr. Fatface

P.S. I like annoying music.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I am blogging.

All for you, sayang.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Tell me this.

How many of you have a girlfriend or boyfriend that has the following characteristics?

Tells you that she/he doesn't like you. Daily.
Tells you to F Off on a daily basis.
Calls you a Fat F-er.
Tries to make you jealous on purpose, just to really get on your nerves.
Tortures you happily.
And many more things that i can't think of right now.

I bet none of you, right?
Hehe, i feel sorry for all of you, you all must be so boring.

Aaaaanyways, i was said to have abandoned the fat one for my xbox today. Which is a complete lie. I did not abandon you for my xbox. You la. Halau-er.

PMR has been o-the-k so far. I think. Buuuut let's not talk about that.

My brother woke up just now and was in one of his super pms moods. Seriously. He came out of the room, screaming, crying, following my mom like a cat's tail follows a cat.. If the cat has a tail that is. Then, just as he was at the climax of the situation. In other words, my mom was gonna give him some chocolate, which is something she never does unless he's good or he has days like today. As i was saying, then, my dad came into the house with KFC. Put the KFC on the table, took out those cheesy wedges thingys and called my brother. Along came my brother, screaming and crying. He caught a single glimpse of the wedges and immediately stopped crying, climbed up on the chair, and ate the food. A great tip for all of you, if you have a smaller brother, sister, cousin or whatever who is around the age of 1 or 2 and won't stop crying. Give the little bugger food. Guaranteed he or she will stop crying. Within seconds.

The Fat one is rushing me, so i suppose i'll end here.

